Pompeiian couple
Domvs de Lavra Callvria et Tarqvinivs Gallicvs
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Tarquinius Gallicus

a merchant mariner and the paterfamilia of the household

  • Spouse: Laura Calluria
  • Parents: Unknown - was sold into slavery at a young age.  Later came into the hands of a prosperous merchant who recognized his abilities and encouraged them.  He eventually adopted Tarquinius as his legal son and heir.
  • Hobbies: collecting citrus-wood tables and rare manuscripts
  • Occupation: Merchant Mariner.  Owns several merchant vessals as well as a small retail showroom in the front corner of the building
Portrait of Tarquinius Gallicus
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Laura Calluria Tarquinius Gallicus
page designed by  Laura Calluria